About Us

Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Letters, Department of Russian Language and Literature was established in 2011 and will start accepting its first undergraduate students in the 2022-2023 academic year. The education period consists of Prep Class + 4 years. The language of the undergraduate program is Russian.

Mission and Vision 

The aim of the program is to train students who can demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professional ethics required by their field at the highest level in public institutions and the private sector.

Our vision is to have an understanding of education that will direct students to intellectual activities in order to raise individuals who know the ways of accessing information and who can evaluate and transfer this information with a critical perspective. 

Career Fields 

Undergraduates of Russian Language and Literature Department can continue their careers in the academic field, as well as in government institutions (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, etc.), MEB schools (Russian Teaching), Language Schools, Translation Offices, Tourism Sector (Hotels, Travel Agencies, Tourist Guidance, etc.) and companies that do business with Russia.